Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where do Babies come from????

Some days I have the most random thoughts in my head!

When I was little I like most girls thought or should I say believed that babies came from a stork(oddly enough when the stork wasn't making babies he was selling pickles). That one day when I was a grown up this big bird would come and drop and little baby off on my porch and I would be a mommy.

As I grew a little older I started to believe a more "romantic" version of where babies came from. That two people met and fell in love, got married and had a baby.

I remember when my mom had "the talk" with me, I was probably about 12 or 13 years old. She said "sit down, we have to talk" so I sat down. She then went on to say "the birds go tweet tweet and the bees go buzz buzz, but it the birds ever start going buzz and the bees start going tweet don't come home because you will be having a serious issue on your hands"(thinking back this might explain why my sister TT got pregnant at 16 years old)

I was so confused and lost on why she was saying this to me and what she meant by it. I had NO IDEA she was "trying" to have the "sex/baby" talk with me. 

Now that I am a parent I often wonder how we will ever explain to our little girl where babies come from. I guess I feel she shouldn't be told or taught these "fairy tales" But I'm not sure the "truth" is something easy to explain.

Do I tell her some people meet fall in love, get married, and make babies with no issues.
Some people meet, fall in love, and need to have the help of a fertility doctor to make babies. 
Some people have to get eggs from another woman to make a baby.
Some woman have to get donor sperm, and some woman have to trust another woman to carry their baby for them.
And some woman adopt a baby that's in need of a mommy to love them.  
And some people will have no trouble getting pregnant, but some might have to take the long road(however this makes you no less a woman than anyone other woman)

Lucky for me our little girl is only 5 months old so we have a LONG time to come up with what to say.
But I hope no matter what we decide to tell her that in the end she understands that it doesn't matter how you become a mommy or how many child you are blessed with it's just a special and beautiful.I also hope she knows we are only given in life what we can handle(even when we feel we are being trusted WAY to much).

If  3 years ago I "understood"  what I now know to be "the truth" of where babies come from and how hard it can sometimes be to get there. I might have not have been so hard on myself when we were struggling to have a baby.

I guess sometimes our life journey has many lesson for us to learn!


  1. Came across your blog from "People I want to Punch." We just had this talk with our daughter and oh boy, lots of fun.
