Sunday, January 15, 2012

Losing Things!

We often lose things in everyday life, I once at work thought I lost my pen (favorite pen, even if I didn't realize it until it was gone. But I'm not sure I could have worked without it.) and spent about 20 minutes looking for it. I was literately red and sweaty (about to have a serious panic attack) because I was that upset over it's lost ( note: this wasn't just any pen so it wasn't like I could run to the store and get another. This pen was given to be by a co-worker who picked it up FREE at some event......he LOVED free stuff). So after the 20 minutes I realized it was under the piece of paper right in front of me. At this point I had a headache and needed a nap, lucky the person who gave me the pen was a serious hoarder of free pens and he had a bunch, I took them all. Problem solved!

Another time I thought I "lost" my kitten, well in reality I thought it was stolen by the mean guy who lived up the street. I saw a kitten in his window that look just like mine, so I threw mud at his house (I was 12 years old) to teach him a lesson. He caught me and told my mom, in the end he got his house clean and I still couldn't "find" my kitten.

Come to find out my Aunt got rid of the kitten (placed (stuffed) it in a mail box on her way to work, I pray it found a good home. Today she would have been on the news and going to jail) who mind you I was allergic to but still insisted on having.

To often in life we lose loved ones, some we get a chance to say goodbye and sometimes we don't either was it's never easy. You would think knowing this we would spend more time fostering healthy relationships with each other. Instead of pushing people away or leaving them out of our life.
We lose our way, our mind, and our money to taxes but we still move forward.

I think sometimes the hardest of losses is "losing touch" weather it's with your friends, family, or reality it's never easy. But then sometimes we have to chose to "lose touch" because there is only so much stepping up we can do before we realize we are getting stepped on

I guess in the end we all have a few people we wish we could "stuff in a mail box" until they learned how to be nice. 

So in the end I guess my whole point to this post is to look under the paper and see what's there, because it would be a shame to lose your favorite pen and not have a pen hoarding co-worker to replace it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Everybody Needs a "Woody" in their lives no matter how creepy ;)
